Love the bass!
This is some great music you got there! It ran right in on the Fave. list! Keep it up!
Love the bass!
This is some great music you got there! It ran right in on the Fave. list! Keep it up!
Happiness to the people!
I Hav'nt heard so good & Happy Music in long time! Faved! Nr.1!
Keep it Up!
i will call it spam. make music on at least 1:00 minute(s)
skeetskeet<<<<<<<<<<<<you are baaaaaaaad>>>>>>>>>>
lol, ok it's pretty cool ^^ keep going!
i dont download your songs...
because i dont like them. ok?
Do not spam the Portal!!!
superb ^^
Well... i have not played space invaders before, but this sounds awesome!
This is the worst song on newgrounds! lol ^^
. ^ ^
No, it's Super.\___/ Keep it up!
awesome! <==(so normal...)
It's IS awesome! The best you have done in a while!
Keep it up!!
Lol, thanks! I really haven't written anything in a while, besides this ;P
grow through adversity
been making rad beats since '09
FL Studio 2024 user
Age 32, bro
musical dork 🎵
Denmark / Silkeborg
Joined on 10/14/07